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French – Pack of all canvasses

$31,48 Excl. applicable VAT

This item: French - Pack of all canvasses
$31,48 Excl. applicable VAT
$31,48 Excl. applicable VAT
Including e-book and audiobook.
Original price was: $31,38.Current price is: $26,67. Excl. applicable VAT
1 × Design to Change
DESIGN to CHANGE – Elevating your abilities to look & act beyond the now. Purchase the hard copy book and get instant access to a eBook in pdf format and the audiobook, narration by Anthony Vade.
Original price was: $41,45.Current price is: $35,23. Excl. applicable VAT
A practical kit that enables you to simulate events. The Event Design Facilitation Kit℠ will enable you, as a team to go through the event design process using the #EventCanvas. Design events consciously and systematically in this easy-to-follow process as a team. With the Event Design Facilitation kit℠ you have all the tools necessary to start designing.

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Original price was: $236,07.Current price is: $200,66. Excl. applicable VAT
1 × Digital Event Design Facilitation Kit ℠
Design events consciously and systematically in this easy to follow process as a team. These documents are password protected. The password is the email you use for your purchase.
Original price was: $236,07.Current price is: $200,66. Excl. applicable VAT
1 × Drawing Out Change
This book comes with a yellow Pentel Sign pen and an online course on how to color in the book; two coloring sessions with Dennis Luijer, creator of this book. So after purchase, the book will be shipped to you and you will get access to videos on the Instructional Path and the Experience side. Dennis Luijer will take you through the book from two angles and explains how you can use the yellow Pentel Sign pen (included) to make the book unique and explain Event Design using the Event Canvas methodology to your colleagues, clients, or students.
Original price was: $18,36.Current price is: $15,61. Excl. applicable VAT
This roadmap enables you to explain Design Thinking and the process of Event Design using the Event Canvas methodology.
Original price was: $10,44.Current price is: $8,87. Excl. applicable VAT

Il s’agit d’un ensemble de 6 fichiers PDF de grande taille (1xStakeholder Alignment Canvas, 2xEmpathy Map, 1xEvent CanvasTM, 1xEvent Delta Canvas et 1xPrototyping Arena) que vous pouvez imprimer vous-même ou envoyer à un atelier de reprographie proche pour une impression grand format. Ces fichiers se prêtent à l’impression dans un traceur, tout comme les dessins d’architectes sont imprimés. L’utilisation de ce fichier et de la méthode d’impression ci-dessus réduira considérablement vos coûts d’impression. Il s’agit d’un produit virtuel.

Ces documents sont protégés par mot de passe. Le mot de passe est l’adresse e-mail que vous utilisez pour votre achat.